Ted End

Friday, 23 October 2009 23:59

It's finally finale! Lost Bearings, that little series of audio greatness I've been attempting to get finished is, at long last, all done. Five episodes of glorious comedy/drama type thing topped off with Ted End, the most fitting of ends for this story of sentient teddy bears trying to get by in a human world.

It has been emotional! Recording the last lines was one thing but then hearing the ending once it was all put together was quite astonishingly a dust-in-eye moment. I've completely got entirely myself to blame though so I can't moan about it now!

So that's been my big achievement recently. Finishing this project, enjoying it thoroughly and seriously lamenting the loss of free time to do more business like this. If I didn't have to go and do the day job to keep that ol' roof above my head I would be well away on this stuff and suchlike. I found it most difficult to do each episode with life wearing me down, getting in the way and draining my motivation which is silly really because it's so much bloody good fun to do that it should far suppress all of the life stuff downers. That's what should have happened at least but I'm ever a one for letting things stop me doing other things. The only way I could get these episodes done was to take time off work! So these are pretty much my holiday projects I guess.

Oddly though if I had other reasons to do this sort of thing rather than as something that I just wanted to do for just me then I'd be all over it. I think as this was something I just worked on for my own amusement initially then it didn't matter that it took so bloody long to complete.

I have, since starting the whole damn lovely thing, been told off for not finishing it sooner! Which goes to prove that surrounding me are great people with a fantastic sense of humour. So, to you all (and you know who you are), thank you very much for liking this! It has really made the difference from me being a sad little man woofing silly voices into a computer to a very happy, well endowed, fellow who has done you proud I hope (while still woofing silly voices into a computer).


Jenny Beans said...

I had the most compelling urge to wrap a towel around my neck and jump off the roof after reading this. Fortunately, it was too hot to go outside, which I suspect may have saved my life...or at least my bones.

The original was one of my favorite movies as a kid. *insert nostalgic sigh here*

3 June 2010 at 16:02